It's almost 2018 and I'm starting something new... I'm going to try my hand at being a blogger. My hope with this little project is to share some of my own insights after 20 years in youth ministry and hopefully offer some great resources to parents and teens. So... with that being said, here goes.
Today marks a very sad day at FBC Waycross. We are celebrating the life of my dear friend, Braxton Stewart. Braxton is currently in the loving arms of our creator after making the decision to take his own life. Today we are having a memorial to honor God, thank Him for allowing us to know and love Braxton, and to celebrate his 14 years here with us.
Braxton has been gone now for about 1 month and as I have dealt with my own grief as well as loving his family as they grieve. I've had some time to think... Yes, it frightens me when I think too...
There is no question that life can be overwhelming at times. I've been in ministry for close to 30 years and I've seen folks deal with their ups and downs as well as dealing with my own. "That's right... ministers get depressed sometimes too".
So here is my thought... There really is hope even under the stifling weight of depression. "I say this as one who has had to deal with it myself so I know this to be true". For me, one of the real difficulties of dealing with depression is that it's very difficult to see past the pain and discord of the moment. It truly becomes overwhelming and feels like not only is there no light at the end of the tunnel but that the tunnel goes on forever.
For me, the road to healing has many lanes. First, I know that I serve a God who loves me and created me in His perfect image and that my value as a person comes from Him and His love for me. Second, I have come to realize that this is an ongoing issue. It comes and goes and I've accepted that it's simply a part of my life. There is nothing wrong with me as a person and there is no shame in the fact that my brain doesn't produce enough serotonin. (I love my little pill every day). Third, I know that I don't have to live in my depression when it hits. There are many, many resources available to help me through the tough times. Fourth, I don't sit around waiting for it to just get better... When depression hits I find it's best to try and be proactive and face it head on. (This is very difficult because depression can be very debilitating).
It is so incredibly important to remember that there really is a light at the end of the dark tunnel!! It is important to remember that every day is brand new with new opportunities and new joys. It's important to remember that God breathes new life into us daily when we turn to Him and if we have accepted Him as our Lord and Savior we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. It's important to remember that there are tons of resources out there and lots of people to turn to in times of personal crisis. Mostly, it's important to remember that God created us for a reason... To know Him, serve Him, and ENJOY Him FOREVER!!!
If you are reading this and struggling with depression, please seek out help!!! It really is out there...
Broken Believers Hotline
Hope for the Heart
Today marks a very sad day at FBC Waycross. We are celebrating the life of my dear friend, Braxton Stewart. Braxton is currently in the loving arms of our creator after making the decision to take his own life. Today we are having a memorial to honor God, thank Him for allowing us to know and love Braxton, and to celebrate his 14 years here with us.
Braxton has been gone now for about 1 month and as I have dealt with my own grief as well as loving his family as they grieve. I've had some time to think... Yes, it frightens me when I think too...
There is no question that life can be overwhelming at times. I've been in ministry for close to 30 years and I've seen folks deal with their ups and downs as well as dealing with my own. "That's right... ministers get depressed sometimes too".
So here is my thought... There really is hope even under the stifling weight of depression. "I say this as one who has had to deal with it myself so I know this to be true". For me, one of the real difficulties of dealing with depression is that it's very difficult to see past the pain and discord of the moment. It truly becomes overwhelming and feels like not only is there no light at the end of the tunnel but that the tunnel goes on forever.
For me, the road to healing has many lanes. First, I know that I serve a God who loves me and created me in His perfect image and that my value as a person comes from Him and His love for me. Second, I have come to realize that this is an ongoing issue. It comes and goes and I've accepted that it's simply a part of my life. There is nothing wrong with me as a person and there is no shame in the fact that my brain doesn't produce enough serotonin. (I love my little pill every day). Third, I know that I don't have to live in my depression when it hits. There are many, many resources available to help me through the tough times. Fourth, I don't sit around waiting for it to just get better... When depression hits I find it's best to try and be proactive and face it head on. (This is very difficult because depression can be very debilitating).
It is so incredibly important to remember that there really is a light at the end of the dark tunnel!! It is important to remember that every day is brand new with new opportunities and new joys. It's important to remember that God breathes new life into us daily when we turn to Him and if we have accepted Him as our Lord and Savior we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. It's important to remember that there are tons of resources out there and lots of people to turn to in times of personal crisis. Mostly, it's important to remember that God created us for a reason... To know Him, serve Him, and ENJOY Him FOREVER!!!
If you are reading this and struggling with depression, please seek out help!!! It really is out there...
Broken Believers Hotline
Hope for the Heart