I have to say that there is a group of young people that make me very proud. In the past couple of months we have started a new opportunity for our youth to serve our church and the local community. We have named it the "Lamplighter Team". Right now, the Lamplighter team is working on 3 separate projects. One of the projects is to shoot promotional commercials to highlight big things our church is doing. Currently they are working on a commercial to promote VBS that we will use to invite children around our community to our Vacation Bible School this summer. Another of the projects they are working on is preparing a Back Yard Bible Club program to do for the children over at the Ware Hotel once a month. I have spoken with the manager there and he is very excited about our young people doing that for them. Finally, they are working on a secret project that they will be sharing on Easter Sunday morning. Please be praying for them as they plan and implement these great projects to grow the Kingdom.